Complete lie and utter pandering condescension. Kill ya to even concede that?
Oh, I forgot ... you're THE one perfect, faultless human being on earth. Anyone in your circle describe you as being free of any human frailties and flaws ?
And that's why BDS is pathological and deranged. It renders the poor soul incapable of logically and rationally accommodating
You've made my point quite well. Thank you, and good-bye.
Well, no.
Its actually MORE a case of BES than BDS - Bush ESTRANGEMENT Syndrome rather than Bush Derangement Syndrome.
I didn’t vote for him in the first primary. I still had a bad taste in my mouth from his father. I voted for him in the general election first time around and second time around.
His first term was great - to a degree.
His second term a catastrophy.
Think about this. Polls CONSISTENTLY demonstrate that the MAJORITY of Americans on MOST issues poll right of Center.
The GOP consistently runs for office from that position. But once they get ELECTED, they feel they have some “need” to accomodate Democrats and start slipping to the left on social and fiscal issues, losing the support that put them in office in the first place in an effort to reach out to the people who hate them.
If the polling about American really being a center-right Country is true, and I believe it IS, WHY did Obama get elected???
Put aside the OBVIOUS - ACORN, typical Democrat media lies and election fraud - still a great number of otherwise intelligent Americans elected a Marxist Muslim of unknown background and qualifications to office. FURTHER, just TWO YEARS BEFORE, they voted the very party most philosophically aligned with that kind of Marxist Candidate into control of Congress.
Was this mass hysteria or hypnosis?
Or was it due to the failure of the GOP controlled Congress AND President - to deliver to its base on many significant policy issues?
Is there a message here? Can the GOP learn from its mistakes?
Time will tell.
The voters are sick of Obama and the Pelosi/Reid Congress. But will the GOP be able to step up to the bat and offer and FOLLOW THROUGH on its philosophical alternatives?
Or will it, as before, collapse in the face of Democrat pressure?