“NBC Nightly estimated the crowd at 500,000.”
Obama Inauguration: 1.8 million (think he could draw a crowd of anywhere near that size today?)
9/12 March: ~1 million
Million Man March: 823,000
Restoring Honor rally: 500,000 + 100,000+ Facebookviewers + ??? other on-line viewers + ??? who couldn’t reach the Mall due to Metro/traffic congestion
Yeah, I’d say Dems have a reason to be worried about November.
Do not be lulled into a false-sense of euphoria. Stay vigilant but do not get swept away by your (our) impression that the entire nation is with Beck & Co. and against all DemocRATS. It’s too early folks. Don’t assume anything yet. Play it cool, get the word out and lobby for OUR CHANGE. Do it slowly and surely...tread quietly and get the job done but no parties yet - it’s way TOO early.