You sound like a liberal?
School choice is a good thing.
Even Neal Boortz is for school choice and thinks public schools are a leftist disaster.
Because the system is currently being horribly run doesn't mean it should be abolished. The military was horribly run under Carter, should we have abolished it? No, we reformed it.
You sound like a liberal?
Those who disagree with you must be liberal, right?
Liberals love big government, especially big government public schools run by the far left.
They view that kind of big government abuse (public school monopoly) as their holy temple and will protect that huge centralized government monstrosity above all things on this earth.
Sometimes liberals hide out on Free Republc dodging and avoiding straight answers.
The Free Republic liberal hates the founding principle of America, that we are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights", they worship big government and think our rights come from the state.