The liberals are doing it right now. Isn't that what you're complaining about? Including the "two mommies" books in grade school is quite clearly an effort to use the public school system to teach their morality to kids.
And did the overwhelming majority of American communities seek out the extreme liberals and ask them to push their extreme liberalism into each community school?
It doesn't matter who the majority is. It matters who's running the schools.
I'm lucky. I live in a fairly conservative area, so the education appears to only be slightly left-slanted. Remember that big televised Obama propaganda speech for school kids last year? Obviously, hoping the school wouldn't show it at all was wishful thinking. But school policy from the outset, without the need for parent protests, was that any kid can opt-out with no repercussion. My daughter came home with the opt-out slip and flat-out told me, with no prodding from me, that she wanted out. I was so proud of her!
When is the last time you ever heard a conservative say they wanted to stop anyone from having their own private school?
That was the Supreme Court case I cited. Losing that probably broke the spirit of the conservative authoritarians on this subject, leaving the liberal authoritarians to later come in and fill the power vacuum. That was a really strange case. The conservative authoritarians didn't lose to liberals, but a Catholic school and a conservative military academy.
There's social conservatism and small-government conservatism. The two are mutually exclusive when it comes to social conservatives wanting to spread conservative values by force of government. At that point they become the big-government liberals, just on the other side of the social coin.
Yes, I am glad you could figure that one out. My question to you was to make sure you knew the liberals are doing it right now as you worry about conservatives wanting their children to assume a Creator, just like the founding fathers (those right wing extremists).
What kind of a conservative are you? I assume you will say you are a small government one.
How can you call yourself a small governement conservative when you approve of the biggest, most influencial government indoctrination system run by extreme liberals whose goal is to use the public schools to undermine the values that parents teach their own children. Your daughter may opt out, but liberals know when they created their default 'new morality', new world view' and put it in as the default, most students will not opt out, thus the indoctrination is fixed. Is that okay with you?
You have not yet realized that your daughter will grow up into a world where extreme liberals have OPTED most other people's children IN?
It doesn't matter who the majority is. It matters who's running the schools.
Exactly my point. So why have the majority of people not had their views taught in their own schools instead of this leftist minority view. And is that okay with you?
If we are going to have indoctrination anyway, allowing the extremists of the minority view to have their views given a government stamp while making the majority pay for it is the worst choice of all.
Public school is BIG GOVERNMENT indoctrination of a captive audience of other people's children by a minority group of extremists. And that doesn't bother you quite enough yet? What kind of conservative did you say you were?