We don’t want that whatsoever. Mark Kirk is a lying, Socialist scumbag. He makes Arlen Specter and Judas Jeffords look like Jesse Helms.
You want Alexi???....Kirk will be the 51st vote for the GOP in the DSenate
Kirk is a total disaster and, as a Senator, he would be worse. We may see the GOP take the Senate without him this year. Look at the target-rich Senate classes 0f 2012 and 2014. That's where we take the Senate with a verrrry substantial majority. Meanwhile, with at least 47 Senate seats, we can stop judicial nominations and just about anything else Obamao's revolutionary heart desires. We aren't going to have any judicial appointments to approve in the next two years who will be worth approving. A bare majority can not convict the Kenyan. That would take 2/3. To stop treaties, we need only 34 reliables (that is not in question). 47 is enough to force negotiations on anything. Why encourage further corruption of the senior (and often most compromised) GOP Senators by making them committee chairs and tempting them with lobbyist's cash for corrupt acts??? If we like the Tea Party intervention this year, it won't last all the way to the all important 2012 election if GOP senators are back to corruption as usual.
Kirk is a personal scandal just waiting to be exposed. Those who don't think the Demonrats have the goods on Markie do not understand how the Combine works or how the national Demonrats operate either. If they need to drive Markie from public life in humiliation even though they want him in the Senate now, they will have no compunction especially if driving him out a la Florida Congressman Mark Foley can strategically disrupt and demoralize the national GOP base. Ask Idaho's "GOP" Senator Larry Craig. Oh, wait...!
First, we must destroy the Combine's "Republican" wing. This REQUIRES Kirk's destruction in 2010. Brady does not look susceptible to Combine seduction, but who knows? For Illinois to have a future, he must defeat Quinn who is just about as corrupt as Blago but a lot less colorful. By the time we remove Quinn with a crowbar from the governorship, this state is going to make California look fiscally responsible. If Kirk were elected, he would be a lifeline for the "GOP" Combiners and would keep them in campaign money to continue corrupting the party from within.
Richie Daley has apparently figured that all sources of money for Chicago are exhausted. They have, for quickly squandered bundles of money NOW! sold Chicago's parking ticket revenue and tolls for the next fifty years and they are working on water revenues. There is nothing much else to sell and the idea of raising taxes is simply out of the question given existing crushing tax burdens. Richie's forced retirement (and don't let anyone tell you any differently) means that the Chicago Machine is fading. No more money means less influence over turnout. Even the dead are ready to rebel. Chicago will continue to be a Demonrat town to be sure but it will be a pitiful and mismanaged thing like a giant with massive brain injuries. BTW, Rahm Deadfish may get nominated but it is now, by no means, a sure thing. Enthusiasm for him has been tepid.
With the Chicago Machine badly wounded, electing Kirk would simply allow the Combine to turn to its "Republican" wing to govern Illinois. So long as the corrupt Demonrats and the corrupt Combine Republicans get their jobs, contracts, perks, pension deals, etc., everybody is happy! Except, of course for the conservatives and the taxpayers. Is everyone ready to have Mark Kirk lobbying the GOP Senate Caucus to support an Obamunist bailout of Illinois, its pension funds and Chicago's???
Electing Giannoulias this year (while holding our collective noses) has the following results:
1. Kirk, by far the worst scum among GOP Illinois Congresscritters will no longer serve in the House.
2. Kirk will not serve in the Senate.
3. Giannoulias is an indictment and conviction from federal prison. He can room with the convicted mobsters to whom he lent $30 million or so from the family bank (later seized by FDIC). Brady appoints a conservative to the US Senate (Peter Roskam? One of the new Congressmen about to be elected? Jack Ryan, there were other attractive gubernatorial candidates in the primary).
4. We take whoever was not appointed and run him/her for the Dickie Durbin seat with an appointed Senator and Bill Brady applying the pressure and clout.
5. Pass Illinois Senate Bill 600 and restore control of the GOP here to the electorate.
6. Make a deal with the legislature to establish party registration and make such registration mandatory for anyone who would vote in a GOP primary. No more allowing the Combine voters to just show up on primary day and pull a ballot for whatever party they can most easily influence for Combine purposes. Close the primary! Also require a six month cooling off period from the time one leaves a party to the time when one may then join any party.
7. We got rid of Weicker in Connecticut in 1988 and we should get rid of Kirk now.