Folks, I apologize for not asking the questions you might wish I had. I apologize for not “hammering” him on the abortion and immigration issue.
Ideally, you get where he stands from my questions as well or better than you had before.
I’ll vote for him because the alternative is worse. You.....make your own decision.
No need to apologize. You did well. Thank you for doing this.
I don't believe anyone is questioning your interviewing skills but anyone who will bother to look at Kirk's record in the house, already knows exactly where he stands and that is to the left of most democrats in congress.
To those who say he is the lesser of two evils, I say that evil is evil and I don't have to vote for it.
We certainly would not be better off with Kirk in that Senate seat for the very reasons given in above replies.
I knew where Kirk stood 2 years ago. Unfortunately, Illinois Republican voters were too lazy and stupid to study the primary candidates in time for an extremely early February Primary. Kirk won hands down. How does the Supreme Court protect the unborn? That is the stupidest answer I’ve ever heard. It shows what a joke it is, that millions of lives have been destroyed by the decision of 9 Justices. That is a shame. We the people (aka elected representatives) need to protect the unborn. Leaving it up to the courts is cowardice.