Lancey, I pity you...You need to open your eyes and understand and educate yourself...THE BANKS SCREWED OUR COUNTRY OUT OF BILLIONS.
If the Document you read & signed and was led to believe was a true document and was really FRAUD then What? It’s called FRAUD IN THE FACTUM.
I hate repeating myself , but,
UCC 3-501...Without Dishonor, Here I’ll make it simple...
Now you go ask your lender to do this and then come back with an intelligible question.
Yeah, I know. So did the evil corporations.
Anyway, it's Bush's fault.
Everybody is out to screw the "little guy", the deadbeat whose only fault was to stop making the mortgage payments he agreed to make. The only way to make it right is to "forgive" his loan, shower him with "free' money and a "free" house, and make the banks and evil corporations pay. Those pieces of paper filed in Delaware need to feel your pain!
By the way, welcome to Free Republic. You should last a real long time.
Have a happy circle jerk.