I hope they DO!
I am so angry at how we WORK HARD for what we have and lazy bums feel ENTITLED to a reward for their LACK of AMBITION and just plain LAZY as they hide behind their skin color and self imposed impoverishment.
There are some that it is not their fault. You will NOT find them there. The difference between them and the handout people is they have some DIGNITY and know it is wrong to seek a FREE RIDE. These landlords see something coming in as better than nothing - even at YOUR EXPENSE! They betray their own work ethic. They deserve a trashed unit or house.
yes, in answer to your question, undoubtedly they will TRASH THE PLACE because they will still not be satisfied. They do not take care of anything. They have no need to care. They KNOW they can impose themselves on someone else that they ENVY and get the same deal. It's sickening.
Yes, I hope they TRASH it so landlords stop falling for this entitlement to enrich their pockets.