The Tea Partiers have to take only lesser blame for failing to come up with a credible alternative in the small time given them to choose one. That would require a higher-level organization, which Tea Partiers are apparently aggressively proud to eschew, much to their own detriment.
[which Tea Partiers are apparently aggressively proud to eschew]
Tsk tsk Ralph.
That's because Tea Partiers are more interested in being AMERICANs, than in being lemmings and singing in the party choir.
It's about mutual recognition that we're not alone when we see how far governance of this country has been systemically corrupted from its original, specified purpose: "TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS".
It's about INDIVIDUALS whose moral compass is calibrated by self-evident Truth... and who can see which way the water flows in the river (which, in the case of the Arkansas is West to East {snicker}) they've been sold up by "the Party".
It's about reformation and building Temples in the Minds of Men - not about building party halls where parasitic ladder-climbers can perch upon the pecuniary steps.
Oh and, Ralph, we in Colorado Springs seem to have done just fine putting the TABOR sand in the shorts of elitists twits, like you, without the benefit of organizational "skills"... like yours.
Maybe, instead of running your mouth about the TEA party - you'd be more comfortable doing lunch with CS Vice-Mayor Larry Small and commiserating about how to save his
commie Feudal "Enterprise", sans the usual redistribution of the people's wealth?