Is she insane? (don’t answer that)
Mentally ill.
Saying the more people laid off the more jobs are created is NUTS.
“Is she insane?”
No, she’s following what was once, and probably still is (I really don’t know, as I don’t keep up, for the obvious reason that economists are generally bad writers), part of orthodox (i.e. crappy) economic theory. Whereas the great French economist (yes, there were such people once) Jean-Baptiste Say declared (correctly) that “Supple creates its own demand,” the so-called “New” Economics of Lord Keynes and Co. went with the opposite. Now (or then) we are (or were) to believe that demand creates its own supply. Which is stupid, but what do you expect.
I should add that Keynesians never put it the way Pelosi did, for obvious reasons.
Botox infiltrated brain-dead disaster (makes me feel good saying that)....alternate universe alert in my opinion.
She also thinks Jesus approves of partial birth abortions. She`s bat shit nuts.