I've got a big problem with that one.
I have a big problem with that too. Then it just makes it a welfare program and we are punishing those who saved year after year after year. I personally could have taken a lot more vacations if I knew I was going to be punished for saving.
I have no probelem with people that create their own nest egg keeping that and getting SS. Pensions that were barely paid into most especially govt pensions,should disqualify a person from collecting SS. (over a certain number of course. not advocating a person that retired 30 years ago and collecting small amounts of pension and SS should be tossed into the street.)
There will be a full-scale revolution if people are told that the money they and their employers have contributed to Social Security is going to be “means tested” and if they have too much money they won’t get it.
The absolute best solution is to allow people to opt out of Social Security with the provision that the same percentage of money is contributed by them and their employer into a retirement account that they can’t touch until a certain age.