Michael Yon is NO judge of what the troops think. McChrystal was very much liked by his command— want to know why? Because he put his own boots on the ground, all the time and in firezones and night patrols. He frequently could be found “putting his knee down” next to a soldier in combat. That is the definition of leadership- leading by example and walking the ground. Taking nothing away from Petraeus, since the libs used to call him “betray us”, and obama trashed him in the Senate- Petraeus advocated counterinsurgency (COIN). McChrystal directed for 6 years the US worldwide special operations warriors, Joint Special Operations Command, JSOC. Michael Yon is a pretty poor judge of leadership, and he might be refusing to embed because he’s scared of seeing real action.
From what I understand, yon had imbed status revoked.
Personally this is what I think. McC was getting pollitically stabbed in the back. He got HALF what he requested in troops from OholyO. He wasn’t getting the support needed. I thinkmaybe McC set this up a bit and choose RS as the media to Get some damned attention brought to what is happening (or not). I could easily be wrong.
That being said Yon has been embedded with our troops literally for years. He does have he trust of the troops because he has been living and grunting with them for a long time. Thats why I trust him.