There's a little more at the link. I LOL'ed!
1 posted on
06/22/2010 7:27:47 AM PDT by
To: DJ MacWoW
To: DJ MacWoW
ha ha ha— call in the FBI! Call in Homeland Security!
We must root out rebellion against the “V’s
9 posted on
06/22/2010 7:34:35 AM PDT by
(Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.)
To: DJ MacWoW
Oh good God. This is an AP news story?
How many Bush pix were defaced in offices and shops?
16 posted on
06/22/2010 7:36:21 AM PDT by
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Technological progress cannot be legislated.)
To: DJ MacWoW
They darn well better get to the bottom of this.
24 posted on
06/22/2010 7:39:20 AM PDT by
Past Your Eyes
(No matter where you go there are always more stupid people.)
To: DJ MacWoW
25 posted on
06/22/2010 7:39:34 AM PDT by
(Acerbic by nature, not nurture)
To: DJ MacWoW
“FDNY rules bar firefighters from displaying vulgar or offensive material in the firehouse”
Unless they're now concerned about “two wrongs don't make a right”, it would seem the problem is with the original obscenity painted on the lunchbox.
Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmm
28 posted on
06/22/2010 7:45:13 AM PDT by
To: DJ MacWoW
I guess they won't have these in the bathrooms...
To: DJ MacWoW
30 posted on
06/22/2010 7:46:49 AM PDT by
( VIVA la SB 1070!)
To: DJ MacWoW
Defacing a photograph of Our Dear Leader can get you sent to a labor camp.
31 posted on
06/22/2010 7:50:12 AM PDT by
To: DJ MacWoW
Obscene is the fact that this dolt is our President
35 posted on
06/22/2010 8:01:24 AM PDT by
(11/4/08 - The Day America Jumped the Shark)
To: DJ MacWoW
Here's one of my biggest pet peeves with the enemedia these days:
"Allah Akbar," or "God is great"
"Allah Akhbar" does NOT translate to "God is great," because Allah is not the same as God. Allah is the god of Islam. The enemedia loves to conflate the god of Islam with the God of Isaac, Jacob, Abraham, and Jesus, but they are not, and cannot be the same.
Bringing on the "Tashlan", huh, lamestream media?
37 posted on
06/22/2010 8:10:53 AM PDT by
(There is no "common good" which minimizes or sacrifices the individual. --Walter Scott Hudson)
To: DJ MacWoW
so is there something in the criminal code that prescribes a certain punishment for this egregious act?
45 posted on
06/22/2010 8:43:41 AM PDT by
(drain the swamp! ( then napalm it and pave it over ))
To: DJ MacWoW
There is a poll there that doesn't need FReeping:
Poll Results
Was this simply a political statement, or a case of racism against the President?
Racism |
4% |
Politics |
96% |
49 posted on
06/22/2010 9:24:06 AM PDT by
AZ .44 MAG
(Our government is a joke and its current makeup is the punch line.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson