Not defending them but if Hayward knew it would blow, why didn’t he order drilling stopped and safety precautions put into place?
Not to be tin-foil, but look at the foot-dragging since day 1. Why? What is gained? Why meet with BP’s CEO for only 20 minutes unless you were already on the same page since before day 1? It makes me wonder what is coming, or what we don’t know that would make a sufficient response to the GOM disaster pointless.
Then again, s*** happens.
Good question!
“Not defending them but if Hayward knew it would blow, why didnt he order drilling stopped and safety precautions put into place?”
This is fairly old news. An internal report back in March 2010 summarized all of the problems they were having. The same month Hayward sold 1/3 of his BP stock.
Yes, it is criminal that they proceeded with the “completion” of the well against the arguements of the driller and other crew on the rig that had been living and battling this beast for months.