Cap and Trade will bring Trillions of dollars, and tremendous World power to the hands of the criminal cabal (of which IMO Obama is a major player) that designed this scam.
Obama is a major player in the CCX. What he is NOT doing in the gulf is just another crime.
Bloomberg is reporting that, from information submitted by BP to the Mining and Mineral Services (MMS), that BP was aware of cracks in the well at least since February, 2010.
BP has been at the forefront of lobbying for cap and trade legislation.
BP CEO Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million of his shares in BP weeks before the spill as reported by the Telegraph. Ironically, Goldman Sachs divested 44% of its shares in BP Oil during the first quarter of 2010. Could it be mere coincidence that the former chairman of BP, Peter Sutherland, is the current chairman of Goldman Sachs?
Right, nothing to see here, move along.
It's high time the American people wake up to the criminal element running this country and the world, who have puppets on BOTH sides of the aisle.