Wheeee!!! I “hope” they pass this. Wait until you hear the explosion from LEFTIST groups who will also have to list their membership and donor lists.
Do you really think this would apply to “LEFTIST” groups?
Oh yeah Move on.org is the 1st on the list of PROGRESSIVES.
add this to the crazed congressman grabbing students and demanding “who are you?”. Add that to Joe the plumber. This is a clear stalinist/stasi trend.
If they travel this route, they should be most careful. That route is well known in world history. People of their ilk have done this to poor Russian peasants circa 1920,, and to backwards asian nations. They did it to Europeans who possessed no mentality that THEY control the government, and are never “subjects”.
It hasn’t really been tried against the descendants of Madison, Washington, Jefferson et al. The statist left is on a most dangerous path. The day it is ok to target a citizen, personally, then it would logically follow that the same hold true for the politician. This is un-american to begin the intimidation of the citizenry,, personally.
The left will simply ignore it and nothing will happen.
Just as they continue to campaign in churches and fail to pay taxes.
The bill does not extend to “Labor, agricultural, or horticultural organizations” for some reason.