What purpose does a 16 year old, lost in the ocean in a storm serve? Do you think it's noble for a 16 year old to die? A few freepers do. I'm sure if she drowns, she'll do so knowing as she gasps for her last breath that she's an inspiration, right? Won't that be a comfort to the kid?
And what comfort does it bring a 46-year-old, or a 96-year-old?
The reason our society is losing is because nobody is willing to die for anything at all at 16 or 66, certainly not for their country, and not for our traditions. Here’s a kid willing to die for a cause that is noble, albeit imperfect. Do I think she’s noble? Yes. Do I think the parents should have made her wait? Probably.
But don’t you dare criticize her nobility on account of her age. What have YOU done with your life?