Don’t worry - this will be all over the msm.
The last Tea Party event I was at I know that many were using their CCW rights and had their weapons with them. I would suggest that anyone attending these events would do the same. These events may get very violent as we get closer to November. The left sees the writing on the wall and they don’t like it one bit. They stole the last election and by god they aren’t going to lose power now that they are moving the country in the direction they want to take it.
Remember, only liberals/progressives are allowed to win or influence elections.
“Dont worry - this will be all over the msm.”
Yeah, right;)
As he pulls away in his car, you can see a black power or “Afro” flag sticker on the rear of the car. Bet he was SEIU....
>Dont worry - this will be all over the msm.<
yeah, Im gonna right away to the tv, turn on MSNBC and just wait with baited breath for Olberman, Maddows and Matthews to report on this ...
Lets see it will start off with the headline
“violent white teabagger assaults black man’s fist with their face”