I asked my husband, a vice president at a major health insurance provider, if he considered pregnancy a medical condition. His response paraphrased? “What idiot said it wasn’t (he’s familiar with Bill O’Reilly’s infamous rant about the subject)? We process and pay for insurance claims for pregnancy on a daily basis. If it’s not a medical condition by modern standards then neither is impotence or hormone replacement therapy or acne...”
So I guess we agree to disagree.
And not all conditions have a “cure”. Although you could say childbirth is a cure for pregnancy and in many cases, it needs to be done in a medical setting, right?
Do you think pregnancy is a disability? The federal government recently redefined pregnancy a disability too so women could claim workman's disability payments. A woman's body making a baby shows amazing ability, not disability. Leftists play fast and loose with the language to get their way, which is usually getting you to pay their bills.