President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair walk together to address the waiting press in the East Room Tuesday, June 7, 2005. "Together our two nations worked to liberate Europe from fascism; together we defended freedom during the Cold War," President Bush in his statement. "Today we're standing together again to fight the war on terror, to secure democracy and freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and the broader Middle East, and to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction." White House photo by Paul Morse
President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair hold a joint press conference in the East Room Tuesday, June 7, 2005. "Prime Minister Blair and I share a common vision of a world that is free, prosperous, and at peace," said President Bush. "When men and women are free to choose their own governments, to speak their minds, and to pursue a good life for their families, they build a strong, prosperous and just society." White House photo by Paul Morse
During his address to the Associated Builders and Contractors, President George W. Bush discusses Social Security in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, June 8, 2005. "I think the best way to make sure that people have got real assets in the Social Security system, not just IOUs in a file cabinet, is to let younger workers take some of their own money, if they so choose, a voluntary program, and set up a personal savings account," said the President. White House photo by Paul Morse
President George W. Bush addresses Associated Builders and Contractors, ABC, in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, June 8, 2005. White House photo by Paul Morse