For the life of me I can’t understand why American Jews support the Democratice Party. John Stewart railed against Israel for the blockade. I just don’t get it. Helen Thomas has spoken for the Left - this is how they feel. Obama has marginalized Israel and insulted its leader and yet the American Jewish electorate support the Dems. Somebody explain this to me?
Jon Stewart is really confused. He’s drunk from smelling Obama’s ass. He must think it smells like ambrosia. Ditto, most of the MSM.
Cut to the 2nd half of the 20th century and continuing through to today we see a new group of people who are intelligent, hard working, generally successful, living in faith, committed to their families and the betterment of society and also maligned by the other members of our fair land. Who are these people? Why conservative Christians of course - like some new type of Jew to be persecuted.
Well the real Jews have had enough. They look around and say: "Hey, somebody else is catching all the heat. I'll jump on the bandwagon for a while and let somebody else take all the grief."
Hence Jews against all things conservative and pro all things liberal.