True...and young attractive woman know the face they are looking at too....and it ain’t Rushes....rather the face on that crisp green back......somethings just never change.....another trophy wife after the gold....and he’ll pay the price...AGAIN.
“True...and young attractive woman know the face they are looking at too....and it aint Rushes....rather the face on that crisp green back......”
Are you saying they dig guys who look like Benjamin Franklin?;)
You have bugs planted at his and her places that give you all this information, or are you psychic?
Good for you, Rush. Money is so much more fun with somebody to share it with.
I very earnestly wish Rush the marital bliss that has eluded him most of his life..but I fear it’s only going to be downhill from here. His fearsome temper (what we hear on air is very controlled emotion), his hearing and his aloofness is going to cost him again.
I hope I am wrong.