“Have any investigators ever gone to Kenya and studied the source for the persistent account among Kenyans that Obama was born in that country?”
See WND account of attempts to investigate Kenya birth:
“NAIROBI, Kenya WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi yesterday was refused permission to hold a scheduled news conference about his investigation into Barack Obama’s Kenyan links by Kenyan immigration officials and soldiers armed with automatic weapons who then took him to his departure flight and made it clear he was not welcome to return.”
“Kenyan government imposes gag order on Obama family”
About Corsi, I wonder how much info he was able to get, if any... they didn’t want him yakking about it right then and there, so they booted him out... gonna do some digging.
Gag orders are to keep adverse information from coming out.
Adverse info in this case COULD be statements like
“oh, yes, that skinny little nephew of mine, I held him when he was just 2 weeks old; who woulda thought that when he was all grown up, he’d become Pres__ent of the US! I’m mighty proud of him”
“We’re putting up a commemorative plaque in our village that says ‘0 was born here’; we’d like to raise money for it”
If 0 WAS born there, why would the Gov’t be embarrassed about it to the point of booting out an investigator and slapping a gag order on 0’s folks there?
If he WASN’T born there, maybe thats why they showed Corsi the door and told 0’s folks not to say anything?
which one fits better?