Dirty, feces soiled toilet paper thrown all over the floor and around the garbage can, instead of flushing. Third World “crap”. Then saw a sign in the bathroom, no language, just a picture with a circle around a garbage can, with soiled toilet paper in the can and around it, then with a line drawn across.
Fast forward to 2003, when I was doing my ESL practicum at the poorest, highest ESL, highest Govt. free breakfast/lunch, lowest scores in the district School. I had to go into the bathroom to roust out some of my first graders. The school had those same damn signs, in the school bathroom. In Chandler. That was the first time that I had seen those damn signs up here. You know a neighborhood and school are going Third World when you have to post a sign like that.
No appreciation (for other's property), at all. It is disgusting.