I’m here in Calsbad, and I report them to “Did you Feel It” at USGS.
Windows have been rattling all morning.
The shaker itself (along with the aftershock) was strong, even 80 miles away.
I have been feeling subtle ones all week.
Here’s what I think is happening.
These are on an extension of the southern San Andreas fault.
Stress is being relieved but the adjustments haven’t been made farther north.
I truly would not be surprised to see a major, major quake in the Coachella Valley, which is well overdue.
It could even spring the “bent leg” segment up in San Bernardino where it passed under the I-10 in Colton.
That would be The Big One in SoCal.
Any known faults absent recent activity historically speaking means pressure is building and the clock is ticking until the faults slip to relieve that pent up pressure.
Many small earthquakes over a period of time is okay. One big earth movement is a bad thing.