Americans are now mainlining huge doses of denial.
Totally, utterly in denial of what’s happening to them.
It is just amazing.
After years of witnessing this you’d think I would get over the shock of it.
If it were a just few incidents like this I could see it. But, every single day now we are bombarded with battles over American freedom. And Americans just escape to their computers, their television, etc.
Socialists organizing down the street, communists in the WH, “Democrats” giving standing ovations to a subversive foreign leaders, DHS declaring its intent to disregard the law of a state because they disagree with it, and on, and on, and on...
And you still think it’s just “Democrats” that are causing this breakdown, this rot of liberty?
We’ll send our children overseas to die or be maimed by the thousands for...I don’t what for anymore...but at home we sit idle while our enemies slowly destroy the United States.
Even as a child I feared what would come when the WWII generation passed-on and their ignorant, spoiled children would take over. Now, I know why I was afraid.
That the worst generation follows the greatest generation is a profound disappointment, and such a waste of their dreams for this country, their work, and their sacrifices.
It's not far off. Americans, we need to wake the hell up.