I hope this teaches conservative candidates a lesson. Stay off MSNBC and don't give interviews to the New York Times or Washington Post. Otherwise you get what you deserve.
Ignoring them won’t help either. They may follow you around, hear you use a nonsense word - like, um, macaca and then they’ll concoct a pejorative usage of that word and ascribe it to you.
Their goal is to paint Rand Paul as part of the loony fringe. And if he keeps straying into hard core Libertarian theories then they'll succeed. If Paul just sticks with the issues that got him the nomination - smaller government, out of control spending, reigning in entitlements - then he'll be Senator Paul come January. If he gets off into 'pull out of Afghanistan now' and 'the Civil Rights Act hurts business' then he's giving his opponents the ammunition they need to possible win the seat.
Just go on and expose the Brainwashed mind manipulators! They would never have a person like that on again.