I heard Buz Mills speak at a debate with the former State Treasurer (he had to resign to run) Dean Martin, John Munger - the former Arizona Republican Party Chairman (who has some serious corruption issues being investigated due to his mis-management of the State GOP and some ‘mis-spent’ party money, and some just wacky, unrealistic early campaign ‘promises’ - which he has since toned down), and some hilarious Democrat who tried to convince us he was a Republican and practically got heckled off the stage. (I don’t remember his name.)
Buz stole several of Dean’s talking points/one-liners/jokes (and was called on it by Dean at one point when Dean corrected one of them — seeing that was worth the effort to attend). I know this to be true because I had heard Dean Martin previously use these same talking points before Buz started using them.
Buz was late to enter the race and then launched his campaign with nearly $2.1 million of his own contributions.
Some of Buz’s detractors say he defrauded his former business partner. I have no info on that and have not seen any response to it by Buz, but I’m sure the Dems will use it against him if he wins the primary - true or not.
Buz is pro-gun and active with the NRA. He is running on a platform of lower taxes and less government spending, but has no concrete details on how to actually do that. He claims to be pro-life, as do the other Republican candidates.
At this debate Dean Martin clearly won. Dean is obviously very intelligent, with a great record when he was a state Senator, and has a realistic plan to rescue Arizona form the situation we are in, including how to buy back our state capitol - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/05/realestate/commercial/05states.html
Dean has been slow to recover from the loss of his wife and son during childbirth - http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2009/05/27/20090527martin0527.html - but he now has some excellent people on his campaign staff and now appears to be winning over many skeptics as he meets with them around the state, such as the Arizona Cattle Growers Association when he embraced their Restore Our Border Plan - http://azcattlemensassoc.org/documentz/2010-april/2010ACGABorderSecurityPlan%282%29.pdf
Candidate web sites:
Thank you for the info.
When I first saw the ad for Buzz Mills (I call him Buzz Saw Mills), I thought, who the heck is this guy and where did he come from?
I don’t trust ANYONE by their word alone, so it’s good to know which candidates actually have background and experience to back up what they say (i.e. Dean Martin).
Here’s some local info on TUSD, La Raza and why this bill is so neccessary:
Yesterday: 15 protesters arrested in ethnic studies sit-in - http://www.kgun9.com/Global/story.asp?S=12474068
The background info on what what brought about this law - http://article.nationalreview.com/362278/come-study-la-raza/liam-julian?page=1
Dolores Huerta, farm labor union activist and TUSD special invited speaker: (among other quotes spoken at a Tucson High School Assembly and stated THREE times) “Republicans hate Latinos” - http://www.azleg.gov/iminute/house/0420%20%20house%20sel%20com%20on%20govt%20ops%20perf%20and%20waste.doc.htm
even more background - http://www.thenextright.com/category/blog-tags/tusd
Info on La Raza / Mecha / Aztlan - http://www.mayorno.com/WhoIsMecha.html