To: ConjunctionJunction
Why is it that the only industriousness liberals have is work to destroy America? Libs need to get a job...idle hands are the devil’s playground...and if that’s true, then libs must have the most idle hands in history.
2 posted on
05/04/2010 7:46:09 AM PDT by
(First we take down the Democrats, then we clean the Augean stable that is the GOP.)
To: highlander_UW
Why is it that the only industriousness liberals have is work to destroy America? Libs need to get a job...idle hands are the devils playground...and if thats true, then libs must have the most idle hands in history.It's not just about destruction of the current form of government/society. It's about creation of their form of government/society. See: the former Soviet Union.
They are, in fact, quite industrious toward that end.
74 posted on
05/04/2010 9:02:12 AM PDT by
(Armed in the Heartland)
To: highlander_UW
Why is it that the only industriousness liberals have is work to destroy America? Libs need to get a job...idle hands are the devils playground...and if thats true, then libs must have the most idle hands in history. Good points. RAT bastard socialist demoRAT pigs! The only thing they do is look for more ways to bankrupt & destroy our country. We need American Revolution II to throw these pigs out & into prison or to the gallows for high crimes & treason against the U.S.
To: highlander_UW
“Libs need to get a job...”
they have a job...they forget who their employers are...We the People...that they forget...frankly is OUR fault...
213 posted on
05/05/2010 5:48:29 AM PDT by
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