“Why not provide through the public and the private sector a rich stew of learning systems and allow everyone a government voucher to learn through one of these systems? Is there much doubt that people who choose the most interesting way for themselves to learn will learn more easily and more joyfully? These people might well acquire that priceless gift of a lifelong lust for learning.”
Yet another author who can point to problems with education by govenment , but then reverts to more “hair of the dog” to solve them - vouchers and “accountability” (and “accountability” to whom one might ask?)
The private sector already provides the “rich stew” he is looking for. All that is needed is the complete defunding and dismantlement of the state sector.
Government? Government? What is this man suggesting? That we expand the government school socialist entitlement to **all** people.
Wow! Talk about making a serious government created problem even worse!
We already have a system of vouchers on the college level. ( Pell Grants, and student loans) So?...What happens every time Pell Grants and student loans are increased? Yep! The colleges and universities raise their tuitions!
We will see the same phenomenon if we have universal government vouchers for private K-12 education, or, as this author suggests, lifetime adult education.
And you are right about the testing. Who will be in charge of making people accountable? My bet is it will be the Marxists who will stand at the gates that control the lives and careers of the people.
A good start: abolish compulsory government school attendance.