>>White House aides are scoffing at a move in the Arizona legislature to force President Obama...<<
Well, THAT was unexpected. ;)
Yep, all part of Alinsky tactics. The only problem is Onada’s eligibility for president questions are now well out of the box.
In the end Marxism is really a juvenile thought process. Laughing off or belittling your opponent only goes so far. If Onada tries to run for president again he will have to produce a credible document establing his presidential eligibility (i.e. native born American)—at least in Arizona. Looks like a check mate to me.
Seriesly, can you imagine a room...a HUGH room full of hundreds of ankle biting 0bamatons, all practicing their scoffing at this mundane request that all the rest of ***American Citizens*** comply to any dang time the federales want to see it.
Hoorahs for the Arizona legislature.