And if that does not turn you on, think of what our good friend Keynes has to say about makin babies.
"The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy." - John Maynard Keynes
Proverbs 5:18
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
See, I knew that there couldn't be anything wrong with a married couple reading Song of Solomon together and... getting frisky.
Mrs. C_C seems to like it.
And if that does not turn you on, think of what our good friend Keynes has to say about makin babies. ~~ "The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy." - John Maynard Keynes
Other than begging the question, "what does he mean by excessive fecundity, harruph?!", you may have actually found something Keynes said, with which I agree. Congratulations, there's not much of that. ;-)