THANKS for all your efforts on such, blam.
Interesting, indeed.
I am a devoted catastrophist
Wouldnt it be interesting if this just went on for years and buried europe in 35 ft. of volcanic ash.... I mean seriously, who could stop it?
Thought it was nasa but Iceland Coast guard.
This incredible picture was taken with special cameras on board the Coast Guard machine TF-SIF yesterday. Myndin sýnir þrjú megin gosop eldgossins á Eyjafjallajökli. The figure shows the three main gosop eruption on Eyjafjallajökull. Gosopin eru 200 til 500 metrar í þvermál. Gosopin are 200 meters to 500 in diameter.
Myndin minnir óneitanlega á andlit einhverskonar forynju sem hefur brotið sér leið úr iðrum jarðar og er nú að spúa eldi og brennisteini út í andrúmslofið. The film reminds undeniably face some monsters that have broken their way of repentance and the ground is now spúa fire and brimstone into the moment praise. Afleiðingarnar eru mestu samgönguraskanir í Evrópu á friðartímum. Consequences are most transit disorders in Europe in peacetime.
Volcanic Ass in White House Spawns Wider Chaos