Sounded the other (Northern) way to me. It must be killing you that she’s kicking so much ass, my sympathies.
New American Dictionarys list more than one way of pronouncing the word nuclear one of which is the way President Bush pronounced it. It is not ignorance.
Brits pronounce a lot of words that are not the way they are spelled, e.g, aluminum which they mispronounce a-lu-min-ium.
JFK, John Kerry and millions of New Englanders add letters that do not belong, mispronouncing single-syllable, three letter words like “law” rendering it “lahr”; “saw” as “sahr”. Worse than that, they take out letters that do belong, pronouncing words like park, heart, cart, dart, and fart as pock, hot, cot, dot and faht. The poor ol’ verbally challenged Ivy-Leaguer JFK couldn’t even pronounce Cuba right. He called it Cuber.
Is all that ignorance, Bainridge?