Shake off what 'they' want you to believe, and what remains is not tinfoil. For example, study this website and the video's carefully:
Although it attempts to make the case that Stanley Ann Dunham graduated from Mercer Island in 1960, it doesn't succeed, they turn the pages of what they want us to believe is the 1960 yearbook, but no where can I see an image of Stanley Ann Dunham.
If she WAS there in 1960, why not show us?
From the first video at your link, Tim Jones, (Chicago) Tribune national correspondent, says she was in the Pacific NW during her formative years; 8th grade through high school, one year in Seattle and two years on Mercer Island. Since when was high school only two years? Looks to me like there are several pics of Stanley Ann in both videos (am I missing something?) but what they're not showing is that the pics are from a 1960 Mercer High yearbook.
In the second vid, who's the dude in the background on the couch?