I’ve explained why I think it’s beneficial overall. If you don’t agree, c’est la vie. I pay taxes for schools even though I have no children. Even Freepers sometimes cannot homeschool.
I think public transit is good provided it largely pays for itself and it isn’t used to increase the strength of unions which cause the cost of implementing transit systems to be prohibitive. When I traveled to Edinburgh I enjoyed the mass transit. I hopped a bus to go to the train station and took a train to South Queensferry every day and back again. It was painless and about $5 bucks a day for the buses and maybe $50 total for the week traveling via the train. Much less than I’d have paid for gas had I gotten a rental. I do think a well designed efficient transit system is a boon for a city and nearly all the costs can be recouped directly or indirectly.
I just don’t want mass transit to become the only way I am allowed to get around or be tied permanently to the outrageous demands of leftist unions. Also the key element for me is simple and I apply the same to public schools. If they work and are cost effectively and aren’t used to eliminate my opinions or my personal liberty then I’m happy to have them. However I don’t want a transit system that works like La Public schools. If all the Teachers were like you I’d have to reconsider that thought.