How does that scan if we change a few words?
I have no problem with (any given Freeper) being loyal to (Romney/Giuliani/Graham). I know she is sincere and truly respects and supports him. She is being honest and does not care if others do not agree with her. I think everyone should respect her for that.
You can tell that everyone that is there is to see Sarah..when Sarah talks about McCain, you can sorta hear the can tell in her face she does not want to be there but she has to be..its like getting a shot, you don’t want it, but you need to do it and your glad when its over
Hunter endorsed Huckabee
Tancredo endorsed Romney
DeMint endorsed Romney
Pawlenty endorsed McCain
Thompson endorsed McCain
Newt endorsed Scozzafava
Santorum endorsed Specter
Rubio endorsed Huckabee
Santorum endorsed Romney
Scott Brown endorsed Rommey
Ann Coulter endorsed Romney
Mark Levin endorsed Romney
Dick Cheney endorsed McCain
Thune endorsed McCain
Jindahl endorsed McCain
Huckabee endorsed McCain
Bachmann endorsed McCain/Palin
Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin
Paul Ryan endorsed McCain for President
Rick Perry (Governor-Texas) endorsed Rudy Guiliani
DeMint endorsed Graham
Having the courage of one’s convictions always reflects well I think.