You're a no good Rino! By adding "replace," we're conceding that health care reform is necessary! A true conservative would simply campaign on repeal! Any attempt to make health insurance more accessible is socialism.
/unhinged, anti-intellectual knee-jerk Freeper mode
I don't think we can continue with the present system or lack thereof. Although I am in favor of capitalism and free enterprise in general, I wonder if a profit-making industry should be in charge of our health care. Their profit necessarily comes out of our care.
The Dems have tried to please everybody but have ended up with a confusing and I think unworkable pastiche. Besides, they are amoral and will use age or pre-born-ness to determine whether someone gets care, or life--an essentially unethical foundation. We can't leave things the way they are. Health care has gotten expensive enough to bankrupt people, and the insurance as constructed by the insurance industry is not working. They are in business to deny as much health care as possible.
I think the ideas of simplify and make totally ethical are a winning combination for Republicans.