To: Niteflyr; paratrooper82
I am not serving in the US military to sit back and watch as my fellow Americans are placed in chains and oppressed by this tyrannical government!!
Why the hell was this original comment removed???
Wouldn't it be interesting if the entire military quit in protest?
76 posted on
03/22/2010 10:56:47 PM PDT by
(The Feds will USE the Census data to enumerate all the people who will be on their CommieCare.)
To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
Wouldn't it be interesting if the entire military quit in protest? What would be really interesting is if there is any civil unrest and the military is called upon to point their guns at hard-working patriotic American citizens...
77 posted on
03/22/2010 10:59:08 PM PDT by
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