Yes it was that "civilian security force that is as powerful and well funded as the military" B O kept referring to in his campaign but wouldn't explain...little did we know it was going to be the teeth behind the collection of all the new taxes and fees...all is going perfectly according to plan....
It isn’t the article that spells out what the Zero meant, it’s in the campaign. It is that “civilian force (ACORN?) that is as well equipped and funded as our military”...what do we equip our military with?
Ignore the fact that ACORN says they are disbanding due to bankruptcy, it’s just the name ACORN that they are retiring.....but ‘an acorn by another name is still an acorn etc’....Fox said today “a memo from Obama to Congress required the buzzheads get taxpayer funding “ Think about that memo, it’s just in time for the campaigns of these corrupt politicians, and new voter fraud.