I said Churches... Please.... The KNown denomination of Protestant churches are PRO LIFE?? Even The Baptist in the 1970’s were Pro Abortion..
The Catholic Church worldwide never wavered as DOGMA as being Pro LIFE!! No Abortion and No Oral Contraception No Embryonic stem cells.. etc..You cannot say that elsewhere as denominations! the Popes have reinforced this since the beginning of the Fight with Margaret Sanger in the 1930’s
This is not arrogant but the TRUTH!..not a Lie as you wrongly mentioned
Do Christians help out at Crisis Pregnancy centers yes..of course they do.... that is a Personal Choice!
Churches which oppose abortion:
The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS)
The Southern Baptist Convention
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Orthodox Churches, Plymouth Brethren churches, and thousands of independent Bible-believing churches oppose abortion