Would you please hazard a guess to speak to a puzzlement, for me?
do folks not comment on:
selected quotes, at least:
Full list of quotes of our leaders over the last 110 years:
Do they not read them?
Are they afraid to comment on them in terms of the watchers etc? If so, they are, imho, silly.
Every actively posting FREEPER and lurker MUST already be on a list for extermination at whatever level of priority.
If not, then, they are doing too little to earn the right to be called American and Christian, imho.
If I go, I go for God. Pardon me if I do not run about with my tail on fire.
Quix, most don’t understand the. You have to have studied the Bible for a long time to get this. It is beyond the cursory Bible reader. Don’t take it as an insult, take it as what God says. “People will die because of a lack of knowledge”. And both you and I know that means a lack of knowledge of HIS Word. Just the times my brother, just the times. CO
I dunno dear brother in Christ. Maybe they don't like to dwell on "bad news?"