I’m convinced that Stupak had a “deal” with thugoma all along. Onyx, thugs always get their way because they have NO respect for rules, people, righteousness, they have no character and the end justifies the means. This was a done deal since the day they brought the bill into existence. The last year has been nothing but game playing. God Help y’all. Socialized medicine is hell but that is unfortunately not what this bill is all about. CO
Back to CSPAN where Weezy is bloviating, lying and reserving the balance of her time.
Dreier up.
As the debate has proceeded on how partisan and divided this house is...
Now, even Dreier is reporting the lie about racial epithets and spitting incident?
I have been convinced that Stupak would vote YES all along.
He’s not a serious Catholic.
He just plays one on TV.
He’s a democrat first.