Am reminded of John Romanek’s presentation at the Aztec UFO conference yesterday late afternoon. Was much more detailed and ‘impressive’ than I’d expected. I still think he’s deluded by fallen angels . . . hope to get my notes up on their own thread soonish . . .
anyway . . . one of the ‘things’ in his set of experiences is that he’s frequently given to writing in his sleep complex physics equations.
This is a man who doesn’t know algebra and is dyslexic. He’s a bright enough fellow but he’s less of a mathematician than I am—which is a pretty big insult.
Anyway, one of his last ‘written in his sleep’ equations—when shown to the world renowned physicists was said to be about:
“How to use electro-magnetism to warp space and time.”
He had the equations at the conference but wasn’t about to try and copy them. They might be on his website.
He’s written out maybe 6-12 or so such advanced equations that stretch even world renowned physicists and matematicians to understand.
In one case, there was a mysterious word . . . found out to be Aramaic of Jesus’ day meaning essentially “propulsion.”
His case alone had a long list of incredible things about it—with many quite convincing videos and photos and events. Sounds like a movie is to be made of his life. It will be a shocker.