“I see glimmers of hard nosed conservatism from some who were not previously known for it: Boehner & Cantor come to mind.”
I am very impressed with Paul Ryan(so far).
“But with Michael Steele at the RNC and Cornyn running the NRSC, its still largely a RINO fest. that is why we need a rock ribbed presidential candidate, to pull the party towards finishing the Reagan Revolution.”
Agreed, but I fear we will also do battle with the entrenched RINO hierarchy.
Well, its more than evident that Romney is going to run and get a substantial portion of the establishment $$ and vote. Pawlenty, Newtm, and Huck running should help split the RINO vote. So there is room for a conservative to beat these clowns. Most here seem to think that is Palin. I’d much prefer it be Hunter or DeMint or King or Inhofe.