You nailed the plot EXACTLY on another recent bomb, "The Edge of Darkness" with Mel Gibson. Seems that Mel wanted to puke out an "evil repub senator from MASS(?) in cahoots with an evil nuclear dev facility trying to sell nuclear bombs to rogue nations (not identified as Islam of course). His daughter gets blown away, and he spends the rest of the stupid movie going after the dastardly repub & nuke company execs. The good people (like other progressive whistle blowers) are all blown away or exterminated".
Mel Gibson is shilling in this movie just to get back in good graces with Hellywood liberals & media. A stupid, stupid, movie with wooden, scripted acting.
SLM = Stupid Liberal Movie.
The once conservative Hollywood icon who helmed Passion of the Christ is today a drunken philanderer. He belongs with that crowd.