As a good, it is up to individuals to place it in the hierarchy of goods and decide for themselves how aggressively to pursue it based on their perception of its value.
It most certainly is not a "right" as defined by the Constitution and bestowed on man by God.
“It’s your right, it’s free, it’s in the constitution”
List of Benefits
You no longer decide whether to pay for health care, and how much. Everyone is a member. Everyone. Enrollment is free.
You no longer decide what doctor to see. We do that for you.
You no longer have to worry about your doctor’s skill level. All ‘our’ doctors are government employees and union-organized.
You no longer have to decide what kind/type of coverage you should purchase. We decide what kind of health care you need and when. And how long.
Should we decide not to cover your needs, you must still pay. Payments must be kept current, even up to pre-scheduled deathtime.
Payment will be taken out of your income, deducted from your paychecks, along with taxes and surcharges.
How could any of this go wrong?