I now know more about Stupak than Hussein.
No.. its not in their... she is open to it but its not in there. lol.
“In a press conference Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) signaled that House Democrats might be willing to accept the Senate’s language on abortion coverage and health insurance for immigrants, Roll Call reports”.
I thought she said their is no abortion coverage in the Senate bill.. ?
Hmmmm Nancy ?
Good grief.
Rachel Maddow... poor soul.
Isn’t it wonderful they will accept what the American people will not?
Coverage for immigrants and abortion.
The idea that she contacted the USCB to defend her pro-abortion position is beyond ludicrous. Desperate days for Nancy.
The SheMale is an ideological enforcer of Marxist purity. Not much of a big tent with these totalitarians.
You also lie, pelosie! You’ll say whatever necessary
to get what you and your ilk want.
The senate bill is actually less restrictive than the current hyde amendment.
Pelosi keeps lying about it and acting like there are abortion restrictions in the bill, and then she gets all “conciliatory” as if she is accepting some sort of “compromise”.
Why should she care? Lesbians like Madcow don’t have to worry about pregnancy, do they? Besides, the only thing open about Piglosi is her mouth.
“Rachel Maddow just got done ripping Bart Stupak to shreds.”
It would not hurt if we thank Stupack for his courage and even invite him to join the GOP, if they give him too much of a hard time.