Posted on 03/04/2010 5:24:50 AM PST by IrishMike
Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., today said he and 11 other House members will not vote for the health care bill unless it includes more stringent language to prevent federal funding from going toward abortion services.
"We're not going to vote for this bill with that kind of language," Stupak said on "Good Morning America" today, referring to the Senate health care bill, which includes less restrictive language than what the Democratic lawmaker proposed in the House.
Stupak said he is willing to take the criticism that will be hurled at him if he blocks the bill because of the abortion language, but that he won't back down on his principles.
"I want to see health care pass. I agree... people are being priced out of the market. We must have health care but, boy, there are some principles and beliefs that some of us are not going to pass," he said. "We're prepared to take the responsibility. I mean, I've been catching it ever since last fall. Let's face it, I want to see health care. But we're not going to bypass some principles and beliefs that we feel strongly about."
The abortion debate threatens to stall the health care bill and reflects the deep divide among Democrats.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Red herring.
Don’t let them occupy us arguing the objectionable nature of components of the bill.
Destroy the entire concept of socialist medicine.
So these 11 Democrats are so concerned about killing babies but they are all onboard when it comes to killing Americans?
Since not a word of the senate bill can be changed, Mr. Stupak has no choice but to vote aye or nay on the current abortion language. He may get a promise that it will be changed, but would you trust those people?
The sad part is, these “representatives” are NEVER supposed to be voting on a bill in front of them based on a promise of some future action.
They are supposed to read and understand each bill on its own and then vote for it or against it based upon whether they believe it will benefit or harm their direct constituents primarily, the nation secondarily.
We have been indoctrinated that the role of the senate is to weigh the impact primarily at the national level, but that is erroneous and has only come about because of the over-reaching of the federal government and their trampling of state sovereignty.
Endangered Species: A Dem with a backbone, only 11 left in congress.
You’re giving those 11 too much credit.
Give Stupak a break. It is noteworthy that Stupak is not hiding from the media the day after BO announced his plan to amend the Senate bill.
He is fearlessly telling Pelosi to shove it. That takes some guts, and he is giving other moderates cover.
This is significant, and if we want to stop BOcare, we should gladly take any NO vote for any reason.
I will give him credit if he and his fellow anti abortion congress critters hang tight and flush this piece of crap down the toilet.
I hope my Senator sticks to his guns and I appreciate that. But, make no mistake, if they change the health care package to leave out abortion, he’ll vote for it.
These are just 11. I think they are way shorter than that of the votes.
This IS the issue which kill the Bill.
Have we considered the possibility of Government mandates for blood, cell & organ donations? First, of course there will be mandatory DNA registration.
Bet it’s in that bill somewhere!
Youre giving those 11 too much credit.
Hey, I’ve seen way too many Republicans give in to these bozos. I gotta give credit where credit is due. They are standing their ground. I may change my mind later, but right now, they are the only dems that actually stand for something.
More false hope. A Democrat is a Democrat is a Democrat.
If the pro-abortionists were standing against the Bill, they would be lauded by the MSM as being principled.
Nancy will count up the votes and if possible give him a pass to vote nay. I’m sorry but I have no faith in any, and I mean any, elected official doing the right thing solely because it’s the right thing to do.
They can’t change it. They can only promise to change it. Will he vote for a promise?
right, they won’t vote for it ‘with that kind of language’ why does Pelosi keep claiming abortions are not covered????
Because the funds don’t say they will be used for abortions...they will be used for ‘clinics’.
That perform abortions........
Stupak says he and 11 others won’t vote for it.....however, in the last round 40 Democrats voted against it. It sounds to me that Stupak is about 30 votes short of being able to stop the bill. Am I misunderstanding?
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