If their pride is founded in fact, their products can withstand competition, even benefit from it.
No man, no country, ever benefited by running from the competition.
Your comment is like saying that our athletes are the best and don't need to compete internationally...particularly at the Olympics.
It is challenge (competition) that leads to excellence...not trade prohibition.
I hear Dell’s cutting another 5K Wednesday.
Then how come the Japanese never invited Ford or GM to build a plant on Japanese soil as a reciprocal measure 25 years ago? Back then GM and Ford were pretty good
Truth is the Japs had enough pride that even if the plants were built there they would have have sabotaged them and boycotted their products
Your are consumer oriented. You can see the endgame for that right here and now. A wrecked US economy
I am producer oriented. They should be king not the consumer. American producers should be king on US soil. Not Japanese or Korean producers
Customer Review
By William A. Levinson
Anyone who has read “My Life and Work” will understand exactly what is wrong with our country today. There are three ways to create wealth—grow it, mine it, or make it—and activities like flipping houses or trading carbon credits do not qualify.
Ford developed what is now known as the Toyota production system, and readers will see a very explicit description of just in time manufacturing (and its benefits) in “My Life and Work.”
Ford also summarized effective labor relations in one sentence: “It ought to be the employer’s ambition, as leader, to pay better wages than any similar line of business, and it ought to be the workman’s ambition to make this possible.”
Tell that to China which routinely prohibits U.S. exports to China.
And since the American mainland has been nothing but one big open market to the world, whether they cheat or not, with massive subsidies (such as slave wages enforced by the government police state in China's case) and trade barriers...we have lost our basic industries.
Let's look at electronics for example. We used to make everything. Resistors, capacitors, transformers, circuit boards, now transistors and integrated circuits, hard drives, LCDs, flat screens, cell phones etc. We either made them first or invented these all. But now? We have had virtually all the production sucked away by the black hole gravitational pull of the artificially low wages....maintained by a heavily subsidized currency peg...keeping the yuan or the yen low. This is also the true source of the Chinese and Japanese stash of U.S. debt.
So precisely where is the U.S. "excellence" for having allowed itself to be eviscerated this way in a no-turning back sensibility to their being no level playing field?
Excellent stupidity and Excellent welfare, I suppose.
The U.S. on the same path to global has-been status as "Great" Britain.